REPORT Coronavirus Outlook Research June 2021
With restrictions eased, and restaurants and pubs re-opened, you may be inclined to believe that COVID-19 is soon going to be a distant memory. However, rigorous data analysis and research has suggested that COVID-19 along with its variants are here to stay, just like the common colds and flu that come around each year. Many […]
Salon Cabelo, an Aveda Concept Hair Salon, enhances the client experience with people friendly COVID protection
Salon Cabelo, a natural and eco-friendly hair salon in Hampshire that prides itself in offering a relaxing experience. In keeping with their core principles, the salon adopted a digital screening solution called FeverCheckerPro. The intuitive system was chosen as it automatically detects temperature readings in a non-invasive way to safeguard against the risk of COVID […]
Some in LA are getting COVID-19 tests so they can party, socialize.
Extract from LA Times 16th November 2020 Desperately seeking to find a seemingly responsible way to hold dinner parties, some people have started to get tests for the coronavirus as a way to clear themselves to attend dinner parties without needing to wear masks or keep their distance. That’s absolutely the wrong thing to […]
COVID-19 protection system and fever firewall for film and TV production
COVID-19 protection system and fever firewall for film and TV production FeverCheckerPro™ is a professional temperature testing station providing a fever firewall for onset and location tv and film productions, helping to protect staff, crew and talent against COVID-19. FeverCheckerPro™ is completely contactless and works unattended, automatically taking a person’s temperature in less than […]