REPORT Coronavirus Outlook Research June 2021

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With restrictions eased, and restaurants and pubs re-opened, you may be inclined to believe that COVID-19 is soon going to be a distant memory. However, rigorous data analysis and research has suggested that COVID-19 along with its variants are here to stay, just like the common colds and flu that come around each year. Many […]

Some in LA are getting COVID-19 tests so they can party, socialize.

  Extract from LA Times 16th November 2020 Desperately seeking to find a seemingly responsible way to hold dinner parties, some people have started to get tests for the coronavirus as a way to clear themselves to attend dinner parties without needing to wear masks or keep their distance. That’s absolutely the wrong thing to […]

COVID-19 protection system and fever firewall for film and TV production

COVID-19 protection system and fever firewall for film and TV production   FeverCheckerPro™ is a professional temperature testing station providing a fever firewall for onset and location tv and film productions, helping to protect staff, crew and talent against COVID-19. FeverCheckerPro™ is completely contactless and works unattended, automatically taking a person’s temperature in less than […]

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If you’d like to see and try a FeverCheckerPro or book an onsite visit to discuss your potential requirements, then just complete the short form below and one of our team will be in touch.

In some cases, there may be a charge for a trial or visit which is usually fully refundable in the eventuality of purchasing.