Following the recent relaxation of COVID-19 contact rules and the opening of London’s parties and nightclubs, FeverCheckerPro was immediately on the scene solving the challenge of how to deploy safety measures to protect staff and guests.
One of the first out of the blocks was one of the UK’s top model and talent agency, Buzz Talent who hosted a star-studded end of lockdown party in central London, full of amazing, glamorous and beautiful people headed by a cast of wonderful celebrities from shows like Gogglebox and Dancing on Ice, who partied the night away to the funkiest beats. Buzz Talent implemented multiple FeverCheckerPro systems at the entrances with a strict ‘no check, no entry’ policy. Hundreds of people undertook a non-invasive, instant fever check, so fast that many didn’t even notice that it has been done. Vaccination and face recognition checks were available but not implemented on this occasion. Buzz Talent reported 100% success, with the compliance data confirming all staff and guests were thankfully healthy, negating the need to turn anyone away. This event was exceptional and no doubt the only party to have a complete set of entry metrics to prove its successful strategy.
The event organisers, hosts and security staff were all highly complimentary about the system’s ease of use, automatic operation and speed of the near-instantaneous temperature checks notwithstanding metrics supporting each person’s entry. FeverCheckerPro sets new standards for health and vaccine management checks in this Covid era, making it entirely feasible for it to be deployed on a wide scale across every nightclub and event across the country.
Furthermore, and not losing sight of the objectives in helping to protect people, reduce and manage Covid contagion, FeverCheckerPro is a panacea for getting more people back to nightclubs, events, restaurants, pubs and bars with greater safety to reduce anxiety.
To mask or not to mask
A common dilemma today is whether to wear masks in public spaces. The decision is usually based on how open the area is, distance between others and whether others are wearing masks. This directly influences the probability of contagion. Whilst many people are used to wearing masks many believe it is an encumbrance and would prefer to be mask-free.
Workplace health management encourages employees to return to the office
In controlled environments such as a workplace, it’s much easier for a company to manage this situation and assist people by checking for contagious illnesses such as COVID-19. A simple one-second temperature check at the entrance can be used to screen entrants to only allow people who are considered fit to work to enter and helping those with a probable illness to seek specific medical attention.
Workplace health management is very important for all industries and market sectors, and by having checks in place it gives reluctant employees reassurance knowing that it is safe to return to the office. FeverCheckerPro is designed to provide an uninhibited checking methodology with live reports and an audit trail of data. Based on our research of user experience, people very quickly get used to presenting their face at the temperature tablet terminal for a second before continuing their day. In fact, it has been found that some employees do several checks during the day including when they leave work which is an optimal situation as the more checks a person does, the more likely they are to ‘catch’ an illness in the early stages of transition and in so doing avoid transmission to their colleagues, acquaintances and families. The sooner an illness is detected the sooner treatment can be applied and the severity of the illness controlled and moderated.
Protecting high-value sportspeople assets
PlayerChecker™ is another optional application for FeverCheckerPro systems which takes a data-driven approach to monitor and help protect sportspeople from serious illness. As an example, a Premier League football team could be paying its players £50,000 to £250,000 per week and they want these high-value assets to the full and not have them out due to illness and we’re all aware of how much contagion there has been with people in teams this summer both in football and at the Olympics. The PlayerChecker™ app is specifically designed to monitor football players, rugby players and other athlete’s temperatures and alert them to potential sickness. By catching an illness on its progression through its early stages it allows more immediate medical attention, preventing escalation and enabling faster resolution. Deploying this methodology in premium sports like football and rugby, for example, would improve each player availability for selection as well as reduce contagion amongst other players.
PlayerChecker™ was created to track and monitor the health of players and athletes enabling a club to ensure that they are at their optimal physical condition for games and training sessions. What’s really surprising to many is that it requires no intervention by medical or management staff as the system automatically measures and tracks a player’s temperature, as per the example below, alerting them to any adverse trends in the data.
Each time these checks are done they are added to a database for trends analysis and health management. Any prescribed exceptions are instantly sent as alerts to a central monitoring system and to an individual player or coach. If PlayerChecker™ detects multiple and continuously elevated temperatures in a player, it can alert to the temperature change trend so that medical investigation can be initiated as there may be an impending illness. While PlayerChecker™ is a premium sports management tool it is relatively inexpensive and takes just 3 minutes to be up and running, anywhere, even outdoors as it can be run from a battery. PlayerChecker™ is equally suited to all sports and includes live monitoring and data analytics tools.
Network health monitoring tools
Whilst mentioning PlayerChecker™ above we should also draw to your attention the other applications designed to address both local and network health monitoring and management. At the most basic level EntryChecker™, a £299 option, is designed to allow a receptionist or security staff to manage entry including facial recognition and vaccination records. The range of 9 applications includes FanChecker™ which is a sophisticated system with an entry FeverFirewall ring around stadiums facilitating a greater number of supporter entries and with greater safety. At the periphery are a ring of FeverCheckerPro temperature tablets all of which are connected to a central server to share access data and control access to the stadium. The built-in facial recognition function could be used together with the turnstile access facility to replace ticketing as a person’s face becomes their ticket. This facility also eliminates ticket touting.
For other hospitality venues and events, RevenueBuilder™ enables pubs, clubs, hotels, restaurants and sports centres to remarket back to their clients and tap into a new revenue stream as well as provide all the standard checks.