Answering the call to improve productivity
Last week we saw media reports of record levels of flu and rising Covid-19 cases and yesterday a headline from The Times was that it is estimated that sickness is costing the economy £150bn a year – the full story is in the link here. In our Insights publication (May 2022) we gave an example of how reducing sickness and improving well being in the workplace could generate at least a 5% improvement in performance. The estimated £150bn loss to the economy is equivalent to 7% of GDP, and while we’re not comparing ‘apples with apples’ here with these figures, it appears that our estimates where similar to The Times research. So, how do we stop sickness, improve productivity and get the economy back on track? At a macro level, if every organisation in the country treated its employees and guests to a daily digital, contactless health screening upon entry to their place of work it would be able to immediately identify, live, any people with a potential illness and in doing so, help protect those in its premises from contagion. The consequential reduction in sickness at work, improved mental health and well-being within the work place could, it is estimated, result in the organisation’s productivity increasing by as much as 5-7%. This health screening initiative is complimentary to existing employer’s duties as they are already obliged to check the health, safety and welfare of all employees and others on a premises as per the requirements under the prevailing Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. It would appear from estimates that less than 5% of employers are complaint to this requirement under the respective legislation. Therein, may lay a solution to the current economic problems occupying the headlines today.
Going digital helps overcome HASW challenges
The Government has had the foresight to try to avert the economic consequences of sickness, including infectious illnesses like Covid-19 in the 1974 HASW legislation. It’s clearly been a practical challenge for employers to conform and prevent infections from spreading on their premises, until recently. Digital technology has evolved such that a digital temperature-based screening check is super fast, super easy and convenient, taking under one second and costing less than £0.0052 per check. This tech is used worldwide and systems like FeverCheckerPro have been assisting employers in the UK since the start of the pandemic. What’s more, the tech is of mutual benefit as it is the canary in the coal mine that alerts a person to an impending illness which can lead to early medical intervention and faster recovery. It’s a win- win for everybody, not forgetting that it helps prevent fatalities associated with extreme cases of flu, Covid-19, pneumonia and sepsis.
New organisations adopting this technology not only build resilience by making the lives of their staff better but vitally for the economy, improve productivity today and over the long term.
New organisations adopting this technology not only build resilience by making the lives of their staff better but vitally for the economy, improve productivity today and over the long term.
“ I enjoyed knowing straight away that I was safe and it was so easy ”
Proven technology builds resilience
FeverCheckerPro Check ‘n go systems have proven to be highly effective for many organisations across the UK, helping them avert catastrophe and ensuring continuity by reducing illness and improving mental health for all employees and guests. This tech is an essential asset too in helping ensure compliance to employment law under the prevailing 1994 HASW statute. If you’d like to know more please contact us now on 0330 1 333 093, email or use the button below to inquire about an entirely free trial. To summarise:
- Digital temperature health status checks are contactless and super fast
- Regular, daily checks reduce sickness in offices and in other premises
- Reducing sickness improves productivity
- This is a quantitative process of health management
Qualitative data driven approach replaces guess work